Simple Ways to Connect with Nature

Simple Ways to Connect with Nature

Your spirit and inspiration come from connecting with your true self, and appreciating the world around you.  There is no other environment that helps you feel this than getting outdoors and connecting with the spirit of the Earth. But it doesn't always have to be a day hike, or a mountain cabin extravaganza. You can connect in simple and meaningful ways in just a few minutes during your busy day...

  • Bring a branch, pine cone, or rock in from outside (you can wash or clean this item if needed of course) and use it as a decoration in a place you will see often. Each time you see it, give thanks for the beautiful planet we have to live on.
  • Connect with a natural farm to earth meal -- eat a snack of unprocessed and organic items -- include raw fresh fruit, vegetables, and nuts. When your done give thanks for the healthy life you have.  A charcuterie board is great for this!
  • You can also buy some herbs that are good for teas, and mix a hot drink up really quick. Hold your hands over the tea before you drink it, and imagine all the healthy benefits from the tea being perfectly mixed to the exact items your body needs. Drink the tea, and give thanks.
  • Go outside to an area with trees, even if it's for just a few minutes. If possible take your shoes off and connect your feet to the earth or immerse them in a natural water source (creek or stream). Ask the universe to send you a sign, and then listen, look, and feel for what calls to you.
  • Find a spot in the sun, and bask in it for a few minutes. Give thanks to your patron angels, saints, or guides for taking care of you.

Doing this even once a week can uplift your spirit and reconnect you with the beauty that is all around you. Everything in your home, everything you wear, and everything you eat -- it all originally came from nature! Take a moment and give thanks for all that is.

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