Eating for Wellness

Eating for Wellness

Eating fresh, raw, and organic fruits, veggies, and herbs is one of the best ways to support your well being. Here are just a few of the benefits:

  • Increase your consumption of natural vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and fiber.
  • Support local farms directly and minimize the climate impact and costs of transporting and storing large amounts of produce in the grocery supply chain.
  • Reduce your exposure to processed sugars, artificial colors, artificial flavors, herbicides, pesticides, and other mass-processing practices, such as food irradiation. 

Mountain Rose Herbs Free Education Series on Food Irradiation

Farmers Markets and Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farm shares or memberships can make it easier for you to receive a regular share or delivery of a farms harvest. You can find markets and CSA organizations in your local area here:


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